QotD: What is a bullet?

Mad Max: Fury Road is a masterpiece. But that is for another post. Right now I want to discuss a line that I think most people missed. "Angharad used to call them anti-seed. Plant one and watch the thing die." What is the "THEM"? Bullets. This isn't a political post. It isn't an gun rights... Continue Reading →

QotD: Scrambled Eggs

Some Saturday Sass. Ruth starts to scramble eggs. Is my second favorite line in the play Raisin in the Sun. And it's not even a line! It's a stage direction. Of course I would not wish Ruth and Walter's relationship on anyone in the real world. I hope I would never do this to my... Continue Reading →

QotD: Assembled for War

My movie review on Darkest Hour is in the works. But until then, here is a quote about Churchill and the power of the English Language. Language is just building blocks. It's like Lego or an Erector set. You put together the roots and the suffixes and the prefixes. You put them in order. But... Continue Reading →

QotD: Unity

Equilibrium is an absolutely fantastic movie. I highly recommend it. Like all good dystopians it makes you think. It presents very real problems about humanity. The dystopian is created by trying to fix it in the wrong way. The heroes have to overthrow the government. But the problem is, the original problem was real. It... Continue Reading →

QotD: Olympia

As I explained before, the one true story of humanity is what I truly love, and the one true story of humanity is not confined to books and movies. It is seen in sports, in competition, and in human achievement as well. It is amazing to me that the Olympics are still the paramount of achievement... Continue Reading →

One True Story

I figured it was about time I explained the name of this blog. It comes down to this quote, though I chose the name long before I ever read Words of Radiance.   It doesn't matter if the story is a historical overview of a whole country, the autobiography of one woman, an epic about a... Continue Reading →

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